Liberty school of Tanzania
During 2014−2015, CCY built the primary school Liberty School of Tanzania to be able to offer quality education to the children in the local area. The vision is to be a role model for other schools by being a school where no discipline can occur and where children can learn to think about sustainable development and creative societal solutions. Liberty School of Tanzania is built as a small school village on 6 hectares of land with 8 buildings. In total, there are now about 120 children, 9 teachers and 7 other workers who take care of the kitchen, caretaker, garden and sentries. The education takes place mainly in English and above all with a focus on each individual being given the opportunity to be seen and grow on their own terms. We want to be able to give children the opportunity to develop their own lives and the society they live in.

In the spring of 2012, a lesson was held for the public school students. The theme was dreams, something rarely spoken about in a society where living day by day is a fact. A boy painted a drawing of a school. A place for education without violence, where students are allowed to think freely and not just being one in the crowd of 50-100 students. The idea of a new kind of school was born and two years later Liberty School of Tanzania was built. In June 2014 our kindergarten opened and at the end of each year a new class with 15 new students starts.
Every month we provide food for breakfasts and lunches, school material as well as paying the employees salaries. Thanks to our monthly school sponsors, Kenzan tours and Addtruly, this budget is manageable. Interested in being a school sponsor? You are very welcome! Read more about how to become a School Sponsor here.
In our school the students are educated in, for example, mathematics, the native language Swahili, farming, geography, biology, physical education and personal development. Unlike the governmental schools, physical punishment is strictly forbidden. We build our education on respect and mutual acceptance, not fear. Respect and tolerance for each other is included in all our lesson. The centre of the school area is the kitchen building, consisting of an aula where all the pupils are gathering during breakfast, lunch and special occasions like birthday celebrating.